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10 Bookish Resolutions for 2018

December is almost over, and we all know what that means: new year, new you, and most importantly, new books. This year we’re getting a jump on our New Year’s Resolutions, and we think everyone should have a more bookish 2018 with these 10 suggestions.


I will not forget a bookmark.

This year we will not resort to desperate bookmarking measures.



I will set a reading goal.

How many books did you read this year? Add 5-10 to your goal for next year, and develop a tracking system that helps you keep count.


I will not leave home without a book.

Turn lines and late friends into an opportunity to read more by keeping a book handy at all times.


I will read more diverse books.

Pay attention to what you read and read more books by LGBTQ authors and authors of color in 2018.


I will return my library books on time.

This year, we will pay more attention to due dates for a fine-free year!


I will read more debut authors.

We will find new voices to love by reading more first-time authors.


I will share the reading love.

We will share more books with friends and we will give more books as gifts this year.


I will try a genre I don’t normally read.

Nonfiction? Horror? Memoir? All of the above? We will read outside our comfort zone and try something new.


I will join a book club.

Because friends of a feather read together.


I will read more.

Because we can always fine more time to read.




If your resolution is to read more, check out the books we can’t wait to read in early 2018!











Penguin Teen