We’re ecstatic because Salt to the Sea, a gorgeous story that pulls back the curtain on the greatest maritime tragedy in the history of the world, is out in the world at last. Actually, a lot of people are ecstatic…and it seems to be causing quite a stir on Twitter. Read on for our 11 favorite reactions to the life-changing read that is Salt to the Sea:
@RutaSepetys‘ SALT TO THE SEA is slowly breaking me. And I’m loving every minute of it. #nowreading pic.twitter.com/dwixw3HWQS
— Jill Muller (@journeysinbooks) January 19, 2016
Who knew being slowly broken could be enjoyable?
This month’s #ReblogBookClub: the propulsively readable Salt to the Sea by @RutaSepetys
https://t.co/spCn0bJohx pic.twitter.com/eG9YsSrfVP
— Tumblr (@tumblr) February 1, 2016
Tumblr loved it so much they picked it as February’s book club selection! Join along here!
Today’s the release date of one of my favorite reads of ’15, @RutaSepetys‘ SALT TO THE SEA. https://t.co/v6phqQjEWo pic.twitter.com/GjchmQpl6O
— Maggie Stiefvater (@mstiefvater) February 2, 2016
YA authors across the community are seriously showing the love.
I don’t like going Commandant-y on social media, but: GO & GET @RutaSepetys ‘SALT TO THE SEA’ THIS INSTANT. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. GO. NOW.
— Sabaa Tahir (@sabaatahir) February 2, 2016
Sometimes using all caps is the only way to convey the emotion you want.
I am SO excited for SALT TO THE SEA by @RutaSepetys, in stores TODAY. Gorgeous cover + haunting history + favorite author = auto-buy.
— ADAM SILVERA (@AdamSilvera) February 2, 2016
The auto-buy…we’re quite familiar with it.
SALT TO THE SEA is out today. @RutaSepetys is a master at capturing the height, width, & depth of the human soul. You want this book!
— Courtney C Stevens (@Quartland) February 2, 2016
Yeah, Ruta Sepetys has some skills we’re pretty jealous of.
If you read one thought provoking book this year, let it be @RutaSepetys‘s SALT TO THE SEA. Oh my heart https://t.co/Qk5a080YdG @PenguinTeen
— Mundie Moms (@MundieMoms) January 27, 2016
Oh. My. Heart.
Just finished @RutaSepetys SALT TO THE SEA. I’m well read, was a history minor and somehow didn’t know this story. Amazing.
— Mindy McGinnis (@MindyMcGinnis) January 11, 2016
Once you learn about the Wilhelm Gustloff you’ll understand how CRAZY it is that no one seems to know about it!!
I’ve literally never had a book touch me the way that Salt to the Sea has. Pretty sure it’s now a favorite of mine.
— Erica (@ericaszkola) January 23, 2016

Accurate. Especially the tears.
Salt to the Sea has broken all my emotions. All 3 of them. I basically can’t cope with life now.
— Katy (@wildeonmyside) January 6, 2016
Been there :/ Also dying to know what her 3 emotions are?!
On page 320 of 400 of Salt to the Sea, by Ruta Sepetys: Omg https://t.co/kWFKEkXeBA
— Novel Reveries (@NovelReveries) January 6, 2016
You know a book is good when your only reaction is omg.
#amreading SALT TO THE SEA by @RutaSepetys. The cat is annoyed that it’s time to stop for the night. #greatbooks pic.twitter.com/DHLwEQKhtu
— Jennifer Oleinik (@jennyoleinik) January 8, 2016
Always listen to your cat. He knows.
I’d like to thank @RutaSepetys and SALT TO THE SEA for today’s complete and total lack of productivity due to emotional whiplash.
— Kat Rosenfield (@katrosenfield) January 26, 2016
Yes, be warned of the side effects of reading this book.
SALT TO THE SEA is out today! Fun facts about @RutaSepetys: she used to manage rock bands, is the MOST fun dinner date, and writes like
— Una LaMarche (@sassycurmudgeon) February 2, 2016
Thank you for reminding us what a rockstar Ruta Sepetys is!
Ready to start reading? Get your copy of Salt to the Sea here!