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Week 3 Recap: The Beautiful Read-Along is nearing its end!

We’ve made it to Week 3 of dipping our fangs into Renée Ahdieh’s The Beautiful. It’s been an epic experience reading the book with you this month, especially as Celine Rousseau and Sébastian Saint Germain’s romance has been HEATING. ALL. THE. WAY. UP. Here are a few of our favorite posts from readers who are reading (or re-reading) the book with us!

Don’t forget, it’s not too late to join our Read-Along! Be sure to use the hashtag #TheBeautifulBeDamned on Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured.

Don’t have your copy of The Beautiful yet? Get yours here!


Why should you read The Beautiful? Well, for starts, it has THE BEST chapter titles!

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Where is your favorite place to read? And are you a morning, afternoon, or night reader? ❤️ I’m mostly a night reader! Probably because that’s when I have time for reading ‍♀️ But no matter what time I’m reading, I like to read in bed ❤️ We are entering into week three of #TheBeautifulBeDamned readalong hosted by @penguinteen Swipe to see the schedule of what we are reading next (and seriously, doesn’t this book have the best chapter titles??) I don’t know about y’all, but I think it is so much fun to reading and sharing together. I can’t wait to hear what you guys have to say about the next chapters! ——————— #penguinteen #reneeahdieh #onmyshelf #readmorebooks #booknookstagram #bookoftheday #becauseofreading #totalbooknerd #bookaddiction #yareads #booknerdigans #bookobsessed #fortheloveofbooks #mykindofbook #readersgonnaread #readingislife #alwaysreading #everysquareastory #photooftheday #flatlayphotography #flatlayout #flatlayforever

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And it will whisk you away to New Orleans—honestly, who doesn’t want a book vacation right now?

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QOTD: If you could visit any time period, which would you choose? A: I think I’d pick Victorian times, because it just sounds so interesting! Plus, those dresses Or the Tudor period, because I’d totally go save Henry’s wives. Katharine Howard deserved better! The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh is set in 1800s New Orleans and I AM SO EXCITED TO READ IT It sounds amazing! Hi guys! How’s your week going? I did a bad thing and wandered into Books-a-Million yesterday and walked out with a membership and 5 books. I can’t keep doing this #thebeautiful #readersofinstagram #reneeahdieh #bookblogger #booksofinstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #yafantasybooks #yafiction #yabooks #yabookstagram #yabookstagrammer #yafantasy #penguinteen #reading #aestheticbooks #aesthetic #bookaesthetic #bibliofeature #readingaddict #thebeautifulbedamned #qotd

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And if you’re not careful, you’ll finish reading it within the first week (it’s okay, we TOTALLY SUPPORT!):

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I was suppose to be following a group read of this book over the course of May. I finished it after the first week. Oops @penguinteen, sorry lol First off, how do you not get finger prints all over these matte covers My husband and I never got to take a honeymoon(hello surprise pregnancy 4 months before our wedding) but we still plan to go to New Orleans. It was scheduled for this fall but with the world ending, its being rescheduled. Again. So in the mean time, I’m filling the void with books based in New Orleans! Que, The Beautiful. This book showcases the dark and creepy side of the crescent city and I loved it. I know a lot of people were disappointed in the lack of vampire content but the implication of them was perfect to me. I also LOVED the otherworldly characters. I want to be part of the group. What power can I have I’m so excited for the next one. I already have it pre-ordered. Now, the important part: give me all your book recommendations based in New Orleans! All of em. #bookish #booksofinstagram #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #booksta #ireadfantasy #readmore #bookphotography #booktography #reading #yafantasy #bookreadhappyhour #stabstabstab #fantasyreads #bokaesthetics #beautifulbooks #bookdragon #booksonbooks #allthebooks #avidreader #coverlove #bookstagrammer #creativebookstagram #fantasyseries #neworleans #thebeautifulbedamned #thebeautiful #vampirebooks

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It will pull you through dreams and nightmares where vampires are real and magic is everywhere…

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“ , .“ — . . QOTD: What does your dream library look like? . . Now that we’re halfway through #thebeautifulbedamned readalong hosted by @penguinteen — what are your thoughts about the beautiful world of 19th century New Orleans? . . I’ve got a few errands to run, and then I’ll be spending the day, curled up in my reading nook— wearing my yoga pants, whipped coffee in hand. I hope you’re having a wonderful Monday lovelies! . . [ h a s h t a g s ] . #booksandwhippedcoffee #starsinthedark – shit escalated #maybeebookishlove – wish it lasted longer . #currentlyreading #booknerd #bookblog #ilovereading #bookish #bookobsessed #bibliophile #instaread #amreading #bookporn #booksbooksbooks #reader #booklover #mustread #penguinteenpartner #thebeautiful

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It can be read anywhere, and we really DO mean anywhere!


Drama + suspense + slow-burn romance = A DANG GOOD BOOK!!

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#ad Do you have a favorite place to read?⠀ ⠀ I always see people posting these cute little reading nooks. I mostly just read in bed or wherever I’m sitting/standing when I have a spare minute to read. Now that I’m home all the time, I’ve become a total night owl and just read in bed until 2 am or later. ⠀ ⠀ I spent this past weekend reading several books, including getting caught up with the second week of The Beautiful read-along hosted by @penguinteen. We were supposed to read eight chapters and I knocked them out super fast. These chapters focused on more interactions between Celine and Bastien as well as a murder investigation. There was drama, suspense, and a hint of romance. I loved it! ⠀ ⠀ Week 3 has now started. If you’re participating, you can swipe to see which chapters to read next. More details about the read-along can be found at the link in my bio. Special thanks to Penguin for my free copy of The Beautiful!⠀ ⠀ #TheBeautifulBeDamned #PenguinTeenPartner #sponsoredpost #booknerd #bookworm #ilovebooks #bookish #booklover #bookaddict #booknerd #igreads #bibliophile #yabookstagram #yabooks #ireadya #yalit #yareads #yafiction

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Maybe you’ll even try your hand at reading other books at the same time too?

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Last. Now. Next. ⁣ ⁣ Why am I reading so many books at one time? I don’t know. Because this next pile is going to be rapidly turning into the now pile. ⁣ ⁣ I guess I really like pushing myself to my limits. Hopefully this week I can focus and get some checked off in the “last” pile. ⁣ ⁣ QOTD: Kuzco, Yzma, Pacha, or Kronk? ⁣ ⁣ Not sure why that came to my head for this post, except I kept seeing Kuzco saying “Bring it on” when I thought about my massive TBR. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #lastnownextreads #lastnownext #currentlyreading #wheresmycoffee #bookstagram #booksharks #throneofglass #throneofglassseries #beachread #thebeautifulbedamned #penguinteen #penguinteenpartner #thejewelthief #crownofmidnight #thebeautiful #bookofthemonth #botm #tbr #tbrpile #alwaysreading #challengeaccepted #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #instagrambooks #instabookstagram #bookblog

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So that’s why we think you should take it off your TBR pile and open it, like, right now:

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“I am not so captivated by the beautiful, monsieur.” Celine met his gaze without wavering. “For I know beauty is only a moment in time.” . . Who are some of your favorite vampires? . . I am a absolute sucker for vampire novels set in New Orleans, so for me it would have to be Bastien and Louis. Honestly, those two could take a bite out of me and I wouldn’t even mind. I have been following @penguinteen’s #thebeautifulbedamned read-along, and boy it’s getting so good! It’s been a struggle not to fly though it! We are starting week 3, be sure to swipe to see that chapters we are diving into. And it is never too late to dust this one off your TBR piles and catch-up. Happy reading, and I hope you love it as much as I do! . . This @fairyloot edition also gives me life, those red edges are so stunning! ❤️ #thebeautiful #thedamned #celinerousseau #lacourdeslions #sebastiansaintgerman #bastian #fairyloot #vampire #vampirefreaks #fairyloot #twilight #vampireacademy #blood #gothicstyle #gothicvampire #moody #vampiremood #bookphotography #bookstagramer #storygram #bookstagram #ireadya #booknerds #booksbooksbooks #yabooks #yalit #yalovin #creativebookstagram

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And feel free to take off the dust jacket too, because the hardback is SO. EMBARRASSINGLY. PRETTY.

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When you read hardcovers, do you take off the dust jacket or take it off? I always take my off – once I open the book, I don’t like when it stretches out and it just drives me crazy. But also, I’m protecting the cover from wear and tear while reading. So many of my older books like my boxset of Twilight, those poor babies seen better days. Back then I didn’t really know how to take care of my books, so they are a little dinged up. I always keep them in that sturdy boxset and I’ve had it… God… Back since New Moon released in theaters? Whatever that year was. We are approaching week 3 of #TheBeautifulBeDamned readalong with @penguinteen! I’m having so much fun rereading it and making connections I never would have made before. It’s a totally different experience because I remember how it ended and I’m trying to catch on little hints. I think the most fascinating character, other than Bastien, is Detective Michael Grimaldi – his character is very interesting that he’s seeking out Celine and Pippa. But I’m curious, for those reading the first time, who do you this mysterious, killer vampire is? I’m curious to know who you guys think it is. I think I was so engrossed the first time, that I never really formed a guess. ‍♀️ But y’all… Bastien’s character. I can’t with him. Especially that last chapter in this week’s chapters. Also, I thought my Gryffindor socks fit perfectly for the Court of Lions. ‍♀️ Week 3 is chapters: “Champagne and Roses” to “A Midsummer Night’s Soirée”. • #PenguinTeen #PenguinTeenPartner #thebeautiful #reneeahdieh #youngadultromance #yanovels #youngadultbook #youngadultfantasy #youngadultbooksgram #livelifeloud #mybookishfeatures #littlereader #instareader #bookrecs #bookishlove #lovetoread #makeitblissful #mustread #booksofig #tbrpile #thegramgang #becauseofreading #bibliophiles #bookstagramer

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And once you’re done with it, we can guarantee that it’ll be among your favorite vampire books of all time!

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What are your top three vampire books? And if you aren’t a vampire lover, hit me with the top three of in your favorite genre? The Beautiful is definitely one of my top vampire books! I loved the decadence of it all and I am so excited that the next book, The Damned, is coming out soon (July 7th OMG!). Be sure to swipe over to see the next set of chapters for The Beautiful Read-Along! ↡ ↡ ↡ #tumblesoverbooks | Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. : Book & Mug #bookreadhappyhour | Top three ______ reads #letsgetlitbabes | Nik Malikov | Bad Boy #mindforbooksmay20 | #BlackBooks #thebookishdreamers | Morally Grey Character ↡ ↡ ↡ ↡↡Tags #allthebooks #bookstagram #bookphotography #bookrecommendation #bookish #bookaddict #prettybooks #cozy #homedecor #bookaesthetic #bibliophile #books #reader #bookstagrammer #bookcommunity #bookstacks #bookstack #bookishflatlay #fantasybookseries #penguinteen #thebeautifulbedamned #reneeahdieh #moodgram #vampires

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If you’ve finished reading your chapters for Week 3, post your checklist (download here) and tag us @penguinteen on Instagram!


Are you ready for the final week of our Read-Along? See which chapters to read for Week 4!

Penguin Teen