We’ve made it to Week 3 of dipping our fangs into Renée Ahdieh’s The Beautiful. It’s been an epic experience reading the book with you this month, especially as Celine Rousseau and Sébastian Saint Germain’s romance has been HEATING. ALL. THE. WAY. UP. Here are a few of our favorite posts from readers who are reading (or re-reading) the book with us!
Don’t forget, it’s not too late to join our Read-Along! Be sure to use the hashtag #TheBeautifulBeDamned on Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured.
Don’t have your copy of The Beautiful yet? Get yours here!
Why should you read The Beautiful? Well, for starts, it has THE BEST chapter titles!
And it will whisk you away to New Orleans—honestly, who doesn’t want a book vacation right now?
And if you’re not careful, you’ll finish reading it within the first week (it’s okay, we TOTALLY SUPPORT!):
It will pull you through dreams and nightmares where vampires are real and magic is everywhere…
It can be read anywhere, and we really DO mean anywhere!
Drama + suspense + slow-burn romance = A DANG GOOD BOOK!!
Maybe you’ll even try your hand at reading other books at the same time too?
So that’s why we think you should take it off your TBR pile and open it, like, right now:
And feel free to take off the dust jacket too, because the hardback is SO. EMBARRASSINGLY. PRETTY.
And once you’re done with it, we can guarantee that it’ll be among your favorite vampire books of all time!