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10 Literary Baby Names We Love


Sometimes we can’t help being inspired by the books and characters we love, which is why we have a secret list of book-inspired baby names next to our secret wedding Pinterest board. Because sometimes you love a character so much, you want them to join the family. Here are 10 of our favorite names for our future children.



The Young Elites by Marie Lu

Sure, she might be a little bit evil, but she always has her back and she fights for her own sense of justice. Plus, her name is gorgeous!



Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

With a name like “Amani,” we hope our future daughter can be half as clever and daring as sharp-shooting, quick talking original.



A Book of Spirits and Thieves by Morgan Rhodes

We adore characters who put their family first, and Crys’s determination to save her sister is one of the many reasons we love her. And hopefully a name like Crys would mean our future baby is destined for romance and adventure like her literary namesake.



An Ember in the Ashes and A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

Elias is a brilliant soldier who always does the right thing. We can’t think of a better name for a baby boy…



The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey

…unless it’s Evan. Sweet farm boys who help their girlfriends save the world? Perfect baby name material.



Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins

Harper is a Southern lady who can kick some butt. Any baby named after this tough Paladin would be just as charming and tough.



The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

We’ve always had a soft spot for the Caliph’s loyal and mischievous best friend, and we can’t help but think “Jalal” would make an excellent baby name.



Half Bad by Sally Green

For anyone who likes names that are a little bit more traditional, we have to suggest Nathan, after the sweet and complicated witch from one of our favorite trilogies.



An Ember in the Ashes and A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

We love the idea of naming a baby girl after our favorite Scholar in An Ember in the Ashes.



The Glass Sentence by SE Grove

Theo is loyal and clever and the perfect name for a baby boy.



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Penguin Teen