Some readers are in it for the creep factor. You prefer goose bumps to giggling, consider having your heart race from turning the page adequate cardio, and Halloween is your jam. We know you’re eager for October but in the meantime we’ve rounded up 5 YA novels to sustain you…evaluated by how many lights you’ll need to keep on while reading.
Between the Devil and The Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke

A dark-haired boy who takes naps in the sun, who likes coffee, who kisses you in a cemetery… who makes you want to kiss back, and might be the devil.
Creep factor: download the flashlight app and confirm that your phone is at 100% charge.
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma

Secrets, sisters, and a corpse found in the river.
Creep factor: acquire multiple nightlights, like the kind you had when you were four. Ask your mom where they are. She’ll know.
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

Noted: moving to London when someone is mimicking Jack the Ripper’s murder spree is not the best idea.
Creep factor: install a skylight above all possible chairs, couches, and beds you might read this in.
Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff

Summer is supposed to be relaxing, but that’s difficult when someone is killing girls in your neighborhood and your best friend’s ghost is haunting your bedroom.
Creep factor: ensure that all lights in the building are on; disregard energy bill.
The Merciless by Danielle Vega

Five teenage girls in a basement. Two trying to escape. One exorcism.
Creep factor: read exclusively outdoors in an open space at noon when the forecast is 75 and sunny.