HEY. Joy from Penguin Teen here, about to be waaaaay enthusiastic about why you need to read Let It Snow this December.
But first, JUST IN CASE you missed our James & Joy Book Club this month (which, psh, why would you??), I’ll leave that here:
Here is why you need to read Let It Snow. Trust me on this one.
1. It will warm your cold dead heart
I read, like, A LOT. And I tend to go for the darker stuff with a lot of heavy themes because that’s my jam. But you know what? Sometimes you just need to read about a teacup pig on a magical Christmas adventure. That brings us to reason no. 2, my friends.
2. There’s a teacup pig.
Along with a train, a snowstorm, a game of Twister, and a Waffle House. THINK ABOUT IT.
2. Short attention span = me
I am fascinated by people who can read 100-page chapters, because I just can’t do it. I always end up going for books with short chapters and fast paces. Let It Snow is all of those things PLUS it’s three DIFFERENT short stories all woven into one by three different authors. Lots of things are going on here and none of them are boring.
My roommate checked on me because I was laughing so hard while reading it she thought I might be sobbing.
If there ever was a YA book one must read when December comes upon us, it’s this one.
Oh, and did you hear? It’s A NETFLIX MOVIE NOW. Trailer below!
This has been READ. THAT. BOOK. with Joy from Penguin Teen.