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6 Scary-Close Siblings in Pop Culture

Siblings – can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em! These are the people who’ll have known you the longest, for better or for worse. They know about that time you puked at Grandma’s, and they’ve been dragged to every piano recital and school play you’ve ever been in. They’re also always there with a hug or a word of advice when you feel lost or alone. Read on for some of our favorite siblings from pop culture!


Lorna & Callie

In Sasha Stephenson’s Iceling Lorna has her own kind of special relationship with her adopted sister. Callie is non-verbal and prone to seizures. She was found as a baby by Lorna’s father on a science expedition to the arctic, abandoned on a boat with 100 other babies. Now it’s up to Lorna and Callie to work together to solve the mystery of Callie’s origins. These two are classic siblings – caring for one another, annoying one another, and ultimately loving each other to the moon and back.


Wednesday and Pugsley Addams


The morbid siblings from The Addams Family are two of the most iconic duos in all of movie history. They are bonded in weirdness, lovers of the creepy, and also merciless towards one another. Many a scene features Pugsly hooked up to some kind of odious contraption that almost certainly will lead to his doom, curtesy of Wednesday. But at the end of the day, these two can share and get along, even if they do it in a…weird way.



The Tenenbaums

Royal Tenenbaums - 9

This family is a MESS. Wes Anderson’s The Royal Tenenbaums focuses on the Tenenbaum family and their three kids – Chas, Richie, and Margot (who is adopted). As kids, all three are prodigies. Chas a math/business tycoon, Richie is a tennis star and artist, and adopted Margot as a playwright. However, most of the film follows their misadventures as washed-up adults, and the super weird romance between Richie and Margot (ADOPTED). Yeah… it’s a pretty weird family, but iconic, nonetheless.



Finn & Jake


Another set of adopted siblings, these two goof balls do everything together. Whether they’re saving the world or saving each other, these two bros always have one another’s back. Sometimes they fight or disagree, but no matter what they come back to each other in the end. They’re all about that math-a-magical thing called being a ~*bro*~



The Weasleys


Red hair, freckles, and hand-me-down clothes? You guessed it, it’s the literary family to beat all families! the Weasleys have the sibling game on lock. Matching Christmas sweaters? CHECK. Adorable vacation photos? CHECK. Every single member of the family is badass and helps save the wizarding world? CHECK!  Each of these seven sibs have their own things going for them – jokers, dragon tamers, quidditch heroes, bankers, bureaucrats, and world savers. They squabble and fight, but at the end of the day they care for each other and would do anything to protect the people they call family.



The Bluths


And last, and definitely least, we have the most dysfunctional siblings of all, the Bluths from Arrested Development. This family can barely hold itself together and these narcassistic idiots bounce off each other. Poor Michael Bluth is left to pick up the pieces from his destructive family and idiot siblings. However, Michael can be just as bad as his bros and sis, proving the bad apple doesn’t fall far from the rotten tree. Their hijinks and mayhem are the stuff of legends, and we’re all holding our breath for the Arrested Development movie that’s been in the works forever. Hopefully the hilarity and horror of the Bluths will grace our silver screens soon!







Start reading about the strangest siblings of all in Iceling!

















Penguin Teen