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8 Books That Will Make You Want to Hug the Person Next to You

Warning: if you read these in public, you may end up hugging a stranger. They’re books that for whatever reason – the attachment you build to the narrator, the relationships between the characters, the gorgeous writing – tug on a special place in your heart. You’re left with the feeling that life is beautiful, and people are what make it so. Read on for 8 of our favorites!


Highly Illogical Behavior by John Corey Whaley

This is the story of Solomon, a 16-year-old who hasn’t left his house in three years because he has Agoraphobia – but who will discover that the need for connection can bring us back into the light.



I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

Twins Jude and Noah were once inseparable, but after a tragedy hits too close to home, they’re not speaking. Told is stunning prose, this is a story about the people who live in our hearts and how they’ll always come back.


Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E.K. Johnston

After the unthinkable happens at cheer camp, Hermione Winters faces a wrenching decision in order to regain the control she’s always had – and the unwavering support she gets from friends and family is a beautiful testament to how we hold each other up.


Mosquitoland by David Arnold

Mim Malone is on a 1,000 bus ride to find out what happened to her mother, and the journey you take into her heart will make you giggle and tear up on pretty much every page.


Hold Still by Nina Lacour

With the help of family and newfound friends, Caitlin will encounter first love, broaden her horizons, and start to realize that true friendship didn’t end when her best friend Ingrid ended her life.


All Better Now by Emily Wing Smith

This is the true story of a woman whose life may have been saved in a terrible accident when she was a girl, and the way that writing has allowed her to cope ever since.


A World Without You by Beth Revis

Bo is a 17-year-old boy suffering from delusions who’s convinced that he can travel back in time to save his girlfriend after she disappears. His story is a heartrending, beautifully complex meditation on mental illness, loss, and life.

A World Without You comes out July 19th!


Summerlost by Ally Condie

Last but not least, we still like to read middle grade novels from time to time, because they happen to be at the top of their game when it comes to bringing on the feels. Summerlost comes from the international bestselling author of the Matched series, and it’s a beautiful story about facing loss and finding friendship.


Looking for more feels?

Try 8 books that will make you cry and

Realistic fiction that will change your life!








Penguin Teen