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6 Sure Signs You’d Probably Make a Terrible Debutante

The Season is all about balls, gowns, and all things prim and proper – that is, unless you’re a college soccer player forced into being a debutante by your former debutante mother. For Megan McKnight, the debutante lifestyle doesn’t come as easily as it did for the generations before her nor as it does for her twin sister. After being signed up unknowingly, Megan decides to give it a try to please her mom and dad – how hard can swirling around in a dress be when you’re used to cleats to the shin and an elbow to the face? But it turns out to be much more than dinners and parties as Megan tries to just survive the season. Here are six signs you should probably leave the heels and tiaras to the pros:


When your whip is a bike and not a Mercedes

Megan learns the hard way that showing up to orientation tea after biking miles in the Texas summer heat probably isn’t the best first impression.


The only thing holding your dress together and your yellow underwear hidden are three wimpy staples

And that biking all that way might lead to a wardrobe malfunction…


You are prone to being punched in the face by goalies

Megan stands out just a touch when she shows up to a debutante party sporting a particularly nasty black eye from an accident on the soccer field. Turns out black and blue doesn’t always match your gown.


You can’t quite master the Texas Dip without falling over

Megan’s athletic ability provides no assistance in the Texas Dip – a curtsy that proves debutantes aren’t all glitz and glam but possibly secret ninjas.


Without your sister’s help, you’d be hopeless at any communication with the male species

Sure, every girl seeks the assistance of their female pal in trying to craft the perfect text, but Megan requires much more than some simple flirting tips.


You somehow end up throwing punches at a debutante ball

At the end of the day, you might not be cut out for the debutante life but you know when to defend yourself and your family – and you can kick some butt even in a ball gown.




The Season is now out in paperback. Get your copy here!

















Penguin Teen