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Top Dragon Book Recommendations…by Author Andrea Tang!

Andrea Tang’s debut, Rebelwing, is hitting shelves THIS.MONTH. We are so psyched to join Prudence Wu on the back of a cybernetic dragon in an epic escape from a smuggling deal gone VERY wrong. If you are here for dragons, dystopia, or action-packed plot, make sure to add this one to the top of your February TBR! But while we wait to welcome cybernetic dragons to our shelves, Andrea has offered up her top recs for all your dragon reading needs!



Dragon Book MUST-reads by Andrea Tang below!


The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede

dealing with dragons

My first and favorite dragon novels were THE ENCHANTED FOREST CHRONICLES by Patricia C. Wrede — they were wry, funny, and deeply heartwarming, and I loved how much personality the dragons in it had!


Fireborne by Rosaria Munda

Fireborne by Rosaria Munda is currently topping my to-read list: a dragon riding fleet, a revolution’s consequences, and a twisty political plot? Sign me up yesterday!


Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto

Finally, this one’s a bit of a cheat, as it’s technically about phoenixes, but I figure they’re a close enough fantasy cousin to dragons to count–Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto took me right back to my cozy middle school days curled up with Tamora Pierce’s Immortals quartet, and was one of my absolute favorite high fantasy reads of 2019.




Andrea Tang’s Rebelwing hits shelves February 25th! Pre-order your copy here!


Penguin Teen