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Author Tips: 5 Fun Things You Can Do to Improve Your Life in 2022 from Navdeep Singh Dhillon!

Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions is a prom night romcom full of heart, humor, and of course, some shenanigans. Since author Navdeep Singh Dhillon is clearly the person to go to for fun ideas, we asked him to share his list of things you can do to make your 2022 amazing!


I’m Navdeep Singh Dhillon, the author of SUNNY G’S SERIES OF RASH DECISIONS! My debut novel is a fast paced, super fun prom night adventure set in Fresno, California about a nerdy, crocheting, cosplaying Punjabi Sikh teen who comes to terms with his identity, grief, and life after high school. Features fandoms galore, a Hmong love interest, disability rep (the MC stutters), Nigerian aunties, and real talk on heavy issues like alcoholism, death, religion, and bullying.
As Sunny G profoundly captions his Instagram post in the opening chapter, “Don’t wonder ‘what if,’ BE the “IF,” this is your opportunity to do exactly that and take charge of bringing joy into your life in 2022. Below are a short list of fun things inspired by my novel that Sunny would definitely approve of:

Go Write Some Fanfiction

It’s zero pressure because you can choose to post it or be like me and keep it safeguarded in an old notebook titled, “This is for Science” =)

Start crocheting

Like Sunny, you too can get furious when people confuse knitting with crochet. It’s a really fun activity and not as stressful as knitting because it’s more forgiving.

Learn a New Language

Learning a language is fun when you remove the goal of being fluent in x amount of time. Choose ANY language you’re interested in and enjoy the process.


Treat yourself to an adventure

Get lost, go for a planned meal out, go with someone, go by yourself, be spontaneous and catch a train to wherever. An adventure is an adventure, and the joy is that you get to leave your daily pressures behind!


Learn singing in Raag

Raag is part of the Indian system of musical notation, which colors the music and dictates the mood. Even if you’re not a great singer, it’s really fun to learn and understand how it works.


Click here to read more about Sunny G’s Series of Rash Decisions!

Penguin Teen