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Crack Your Shelf Up With These 9 LOL-Worthy Books

Those who laugh longer, live longer, so we think our funniest books are an adequate substitute for exercise. Sounds real, right? Crack your shelf up with these LOL-worthy YA books!

Spontaneous by Aaron Starmer

John Green said it best: “Truly the smartest and funniest book about spontaneous combustion you will ever read.” Spontaneous comes out on 8/23, but you can start reading now!


The Season by Jonah Lisa Dyer and Stephen Dyer

Pride and Prejudice meets She’s the Man in this absolutely perfect retelling set during the Texas debutante season.


Scarlett Epstein Hates it Here by Anna Breslaw

Scarlett Epstein Hates it Here

The most sarcastic and hilarious member of your crew? That’s Scarlett Epstein. She’s the queen of comebacks, and her adventures in fan fiction and real life had us LOL-ing and wishing someone this amazing existed IRL.


Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly

Trouble is a Friend of Mine

Between Zoe Webster’s clever wisecracks (think Veronica Mars) and her new brilliant yet annoying acquaintance Digby’s irresistible commentary, you never knew a missing persons investigation could make you laugh so hard.


The Truth Commission by Susan Juby

Everyone knows Normandy Pale as the sloth-like, vacant blob in her older sister’s bestselling comic series, and even though your heart bleeds for her at times, the candid way she describes her life (even in the footnotes) keeps you too busy in stitches to be sad for long.


Firecracker by David Iserson

David Iverson knows hilarious – he’s written for New Girl and SNL, and the tragicomedy of Astrid Krieger delivers entirely.


An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

Colin is on a quest to come up with a theory that explains why he’s dated 19 girls named Katherine and his journey is 100% giggle-inducing.


Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie by David Lubar

High school would be a lot easier with a survival manual. This is Scott’s, and it proves that the best lessons are learned through cracking up.


Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins

Harper Price’s juggling of her identities as Southern belle and one in line of ancient guardians makes for the best kind of absurdity.



Ready to dig in to this list? Peek inside each of these books in the sampler below!



Penguin Teen