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Sabaa Tahir Recaps Helenes An Ember in the Ashes journey

Poor Helene! We all know our Blood Shrike really has not had much joy in the Ember in the Ashes series so far, but in case the details are a little fuzzy, we had Sabaa Tahir recap her journey so far. While the path has definitely not been easy for Helene heading into A Reaper at the Gates, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for her happiness …and just her overall safety!

What are your Helene predictions for A Reaper at the Gates? We want to hear all your thoughts and feels and you can find us everywhere on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or wherever you post!

Missed the other recaps? Click here to find a recap for Laia and Elias as well! Or check out our YouTube channel for even more videos!






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