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The Cover for Marie Lus WARCROSS Was Revealed Yesterday and People Lost Their Minds

Yesterday, the cover for the first book in Marie Lu’s latest series, Warcross, was revealed, and the internet exploded. We’ve attempted to round up all of the great things fans were saying, and the even more amazing visuals they’ve created, but it was SO HARD TO CHOOSE. Read on to learn more about Warcross and see what the fans are saying! Plus, don’t forget to read the first chapter here!


About the book:

For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty-hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation.

Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire.

In this sci-fi thriller, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu conjures an immersive, exhilarating world where choosing who to trust may be the biggest gamble of all.



Well, that’s one way to say you love it.




Same tbh.


WARCROSS HAS A COVER!!! • I love @marieluthewriter’s books, I love video games, and I’m ~so~ ready to love WARCROSS. Just love at that wonderful cover! The book sounds AMAZING, the synopsis reminds me a bit of Ready Player One which is one of my favorite books eveeerrr. WARCROSS comes out Oct 3 and you will probably want to add it to your TBR after reading about it⬇️ • From #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu—when a game called Warcross takes the world by storm, one girl hacks her way into its dangerous depths. For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty-hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation. Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire. In this sci-fi thriller, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu conjures an immersive, exhilarating world where choosing who to trust may be the biggest gamble of all. • Doesn’t it sound fantastic?! Who all is excited to read this one??🙋🏻 • #warcross #marielu #yalit #yaliterature #yalovin #coverreveal #coverlove #coverlust #bookstagram #bookish #bibliophile #booknerd #nintendo #nintendoswitch #n64 #xbox #nes #wii

A post shared by Paper Trail YA (@papertrailya) on



Yaaaas, all the gamer vibes.


Next new favorite book! We love it.


October is indeed TOO FAR AWAY.


Happy cover release to #WarCross by @marieluthewriter 🎉🎉🎉 Who is excited to get their hands on this beautiful book?? I know I am! WarCross is expected to be released on October 3 of 2017! I will include the synopsis down below!! • • • • • •SYNOPSIS: For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty-hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation. Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire. #penguinteen #marielu #coverreveal #warcross #newrelease

A post shared by 16 • Caden Is My Name • (@athousandbookstoread) on

We’ve got a Marie Lu fan over here!


Just wait til you read it!




Omg the colors 😍




Did you see the cover reveal for Warcross by @marieluthewriter???? It’s very colorful and automatically made me want to take a rainbow picture 😂😂😂😂!!! . I rather love how this turned out and guys I used my rainbow stars 😍😍😍!!! I haven’t used these stars in months and I’m glad to have them back! Maybe my confetti will make another appearance too ☺☺☺☺!!! . Warcross will be releasing this fall from @penguinteen and I’ll put the full synopsis below! 💜💙💚❤️💜💙💛❤️💜💙💚💛❤️💜💙💛❤️ From #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu—when a game called Warcross takes the world by storm, one girl hacks her way into its dangerous depths. For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty-hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation. Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire. ❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜

A post shared by 🇺🇸Bridget🇺🇸 (@darkfaerietales_) on

This is literally so beautiful and colorful we cannot even.




Most 👏 anticipated 👏 release


Us to Warcross rn: ILY



YAAAAS, that first chapter thoooo.


OMG GUYS! Today we got the cover release for WARCROSS by Marie Lu! 🙌🏼 . What do you think of this cover? It reminds me of the Nintendo 64 logo (no joke!) . I was a very hardcore gamer in middle school and high school, before getting sucked in by my reading addiction, so I know I’ll definitely love this. I’m very excited and I cannot wait until OCTOBER 3! 😍 . Check out the synopsis for WARCROSS! . For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation. . Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire. . In this sci-fi thriller, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu conjures an immersive, exhilarating world where choosing who to trust may be the biggest gamble of all. . #warcross #marielu #epicreads #serialbibliophile #📚 #📖

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Reading + gaming = ❤️💛💚💙💜




Don’t forget to check out the cover and read the first chapter here!


















Penguin Teen