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The Top Moments From REBEL SPRING

Consider this your Falling Kingdoms yearbook—we’re recapping the top moments from this epic, long-running fantasy series book-by-book so you are properly prepared for the release of the fifth installment, Crystal Storm. 


The next stop on our walk down memory lane: Rebel Springthe glorious follow up to book 1!


Read our recap of the top moments from Falling Kingdoms!




The Tension Between Magnus and Cleo Building


She wants to kill his father, he wants to please his father more than anything and now they’re engaged to be married – what could go wrong? And yet despite all the back and forth jibes at one another, there is a tension that just can’t be missed.


The Rivalry Between Magnus and Aron

Just when it seems that Magnus and Cleo are warming up to each other, Aron tries to toy with Magnus’ mind to make him want to not marry Cleo.



Cleo’s Ability to Make Everyone Love Her


Magnus, Aron, Jonas…sounds like a lucky girl to us. Except just when you thought you could get used to the Magneo ship, Jonas comes in to make you catch all the feels. Who doesn’t love a good love triangle?


Cleo’s Bravery

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via Thenotsofairytale on Tumblr


Despite all the bad things that have happened to her, Cleo never gives up her agenda of wanting to kill King Gaius.


All Those Dream Sequences!


King Gaius, Lucia and Jonas all interact with the Watches in different ways in Rebel Spring. Whether it be forging roads in the Forbidden Mountains for power or being followed by a hawk, the Watchers are scheming.







Start reading Falling Kingdoms!











Penguin Teen