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Reading Recs

Week 1 Recap: Heres who joined our The Beautiful Read-Along!

We’re so excited to be sinking our teeth into Renée Ahdieh’s The Beautiful with you this month! Week 1 of our Read-Along has come to a close, and here are some of our favorite posts from readers who are reading (or re-reading) the book with us!

It’s not too late to join our Read-Along! Be sure to use the hashtag #TheBeautifulBeDamned on Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured.

Don’t have your copy of The Beautiful yet? Get yours here!


OMG is right, and a much-needed reminder of the ABSOLUTE BEAUTY that is the Court of the Lions insignia on the naked hardback of the book:


Our immortal friends are always right:


It’s never too late to let the vampires back in…


Everyone is welcome, especially if this is your first Internet challenge!


Can confirm: This Read-Along is an excellent way to express your vampiric love for Twilight.

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Vampires ‍♀️, werewolves , or faeries ? I admit, if the world building is good and the magic system intriguing, I’ll read about any sort of magical creature! But my Twilight days made me love vampires and so reading about them now always makes me a little nostalgic. That’s why I am HERE for their recent comeback I read the Beautiful last summer when my friends from @penguinteen sent me an early copy and I’ve been dying to get my hands on the Damned ever since! But I am thinking a refresher is going to be necessary… So I was pretty excited when I saw that @penguinteen is hosting #TheBeautifulBeDamned Read-Along this month!! Swipe for details on week one I will also post a link in my stories for those of you who want more info. I think this will be such a fun way to stay engaged with our community right now. I hope you’ll join in ——————— #TheBeautifulBeDamned #PenguinTeenPartner #reneeahdieh #onmyshelf #readmorebooks #booknookstagram #bookoftheday #becauseofreading #totalbooknerd #bookaddiction #yareads #booknerdigans #bookobsessed #fortheloveofbooks #mykindofbook #readersgonnaread #readingislife #alwaysreading #everysquareastory #photooftheday

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First-time Read-Alongers are always welcome!

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#ad Have you ever participated in a read-along? I haven’t done one before, which is why I’m excited to join @penguinteen for their read-along of The Beautiful by @reneeahdieh! With The Damned, the next book in The Beautiful Series, releasing on July 7th, now’s the perfect time to either read The Beautiful for the first time or do a re-read! If you don’t have your copy already, the e-book is on sale for $2.99 right now! The read-along with be going throughout the month of May. This week, you just need to read the first nine chapters. Easy, right? If you’re craving a vampire romance right now (especially after Stephenie Meyer’s announcement of Midnight Sun coming soon), you can get started with The Beautiful now! You can find more details at the link in my bio! Special thanks to Penguin for my free copy of The Beautiful! #TheBeautifulBeDamned #PenguinTeenPartner #sponsoredpost #booknerd #bookworm #ilovebooks #bookish #booklover #bookaddict #booknerd #igreads #bibliophile #yabookstagram #yabooks #ireadya #yalit #yareads #yafiction

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From this STUNNING photo and dress…

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#ad Have you ever participated in a read-along? I haven’t done one before, which is why I’m excited to join @penguinteen for their read-along of The Beautiful by @reneeahdieh! With The Damned, the next book in The Beautiful Series, releasing on July 7th, now’s the perfect time to either read The Beautiful for the first time or do a re-read! If you don’t have your copy already, the e-book is on sale for $2.99 right now! The read-along with be going throughout the month of May. This week, you just need to read the first nine chapters. Easy, right? If you’re craving a vampire romance right now (especially after Stephenie Meyer’s announcement of Midnight Sun coming soon), you can get started with The Beautiful now! You can find more details at the link in my bio! Special thanks to Penguin for my free copy of The Beautiful! #TheBeautifulBeDamned #PenguinTeenPartner #sponsoredpost #booknerd #bookworm #ilovebooks #bookish #booklover #bookaddict #booknerd #igreads #bibliophile #yabookstagram #yabooks #ireadya #yalit #yareads #yafiction

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To this post about how The Beautiful stole our hearts:

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“ . .” — . . QOTD: What was the last book that you reread— did you enjoy it just as much this time?! . . I am so excited to be partnering with @penguinteen to bring you #thebeautifulbedamned readalong! This week, we will be reading the first nine chapters of The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh— if this is your hundredth reread or you’re new to this beautifully dark world of vampires in New Orleans— be sure to use the hashtag and follow along with us! . . I have always loved stories of vampires— from Anne Rice’s gothic tales to Raphael in The Mortal Instruments— these creatures will never fail to captivate and enthrall me! The Beautiful stole my heart, and I cannot wait for The Damned to hit shelves June 2nd! . . Hashtags ⤵️ . #thebookishdreamers – underrated author #starsinthedark . #penguinteenpartner #penguinteen #thebeautiful #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookaesthetic #bookflatlay #bookobsessed #bookworm #booknerd #booksbooksbooks #bookish #booksofinstagram #vampiregoth #readalong #bookcommunity

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And this photo pairing The Beautiful will all our favorite vampire reads:

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Do you ever reread books to prepare for a sequel? I don’t typically reread books, but I’m excited to participate in @penguinteen ‘s read-a-thon to prepare for the release of The Damned which comes out June 9th. I first read The Beautiful back in October and I really enjoyed it. Its been several months since I read it, so I’m ready to go back and see what I remember. If you are interested in learning more, I will put the synopsis in the comments. I will be discussing The Beautiful all month long with fellow readers as well as the team on Penguin Teen. In the carousel, I show you guys what chapters to read each week. Every week I’ll make sure to let you guys know the chapters. This week, 5-3 to 5-9, we will read the following chapters: ▪Not What it Seemed ▪A Study in Contrasts ▪To the Stars ▪Your Name is Marceline Bèatrice Roussaeu ▪Malviolio ▪A Touch of Violence ▪The Court of Lions ▪Toussaint ▪The Ghost • #TheBeautifulBeDamned #PenguinTeenPartner #paranormalromance #thebeautiful #reneeahdieh #youngadultbooksgram #youngadultlit #youngadultbook #youngadultfantasy #yanovels #bookclubofinstagram #booksfordays #addictedtobooks #littlereader #livelifeloud #bookstack #bookshelves #bookslover #bookdragon #audiophile #youngadults #yalovin #yareads #yafiction #bookspines

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Twihards unite!

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Do you ever reread books to prepare for a sequel? I don’t typically reread books, but I’m excited to participate in @penguinteen ‘s read-a-thon to prepare for the release of The Damned which comes out June 9th. I first read The Beautiful back in October and I really enjoyed it. Its been several months since I read it, so I’m ready to go back and see what I remember. If you are interested in learning more, I will put the synopsis in the comments. I will be discussing The Beautiful all month long with fellow readers as well as the team on Penguin Teen. In the carousel, I show you guys what chapters to read each week. Every week I’ll make sure to let you guys know the chapters. This week, 5-3 to 5-9, we will read the following chapters: ▪Not What it Seemed ▪A Study in Contrasts ▪To the Stars ▪Your Name is Marceline Bèatrice Roussaeu ▪Malviolio ▪A Touch of Violence ▪The Court of Lions ▪Toussaint ▪The Ghost • #TheBeautifulBeDamned #PenguinTeenPartner #paranormalromance #thebeautiful #reneeahdieh #youngadultbooksgram #youngadultlit #youngadultbook #youngadultfantasy #yanovels #bookclubofinstagram #booksfordays #addictedtobooks #littlereader #livelifeloud #bookstack #bookshelves #bookslover #bookdragon #audiophile #youngadults #yalovin #yareads #yafiction #bookspines

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“It’s easy to lose sight of what’s real when you’re lost in the stars.” 😭

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⁣ ⁣ℂ ℕ , ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣“It’s easy to lose sight of what’s real when you’re lost in the stars. “⁣ ⁣———————————-⁣ ⁣Happy Sunday everyone.. I’m so excited to announce I will be participating in the #TheBeautifulBeDamned Read-Along *insert excitement* ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣I’ve ⁣read this book already but rereading it is exactly what I need right now. People use books to escape their life and trust me when I say THIS BOOK IS PERFECT FOR THAT! Some of my favorite quotes below:⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣“Trust in this important lesson I learned long ago: Rage is a moment. Regret is forever. “⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣“She was no lamb. She was a lion.”⁣ ⁣————————⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣Also if I could suggest something to everyone interested, if you don’t mind audiobooks, listen and read along. The language is beautiful *hahah all pun intended* and it’s just an extra level of greatness. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tags⬇️ #TheBeautifulBeDamned #penguinteen #reneeahdieh #readalong #fantasybooks #booksbooksbooks #booklover #booknerd #bookworm #neworleans #booktuber

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We’re always here for Team Vamp!


Hello vampires, our old friends. We missed you.

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It seems like I decided to join all the buddy reads this month. I usually do one or two, but this month I have like seven, so what is one more, right? I decided to read along #thebeautifulbedamned with @PenguinTeen throughout May! I’m really excited to finally read this book, since the next one in the series,The Damned, comes out in July! . I started the book yesterday and I’m really enjoying it! I’m so happy to be back in the land of vampires, it has been way too long! . Since it’s Monday, here’s my #coffeeandcurrentlyreading (well one of them)! . Are you joining in any buddy reads or read alongs? Have you read The Beautiful? . . . . . . . . #penguinteen #thebeautifulbook #bookstagram #bookingtogether #bookpost #buddyreads #readalong #booksharks #bookish #booknerd #ilovetoread #ireadallthebooks #bookcoverlove #bibliophilelife

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If you’ve finished reading your chapters for Week 1, post your checklist (download here) and tag us @penguinteen on Instagram!




Are you ready for Week 2 of our Read-Along? Check out which chapters to read for Week 2!

Penguin Teen